Background writing paper
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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Childhood Memory of a Funeral Home Daughter Essay
As a youngster, I experienced childhood in two separate burial service homes. My dad possessed one and my granddad claimed and lived in one. There was not a day when somebody wasn’t biting the dust. A significant number of my beloved recollections lead me back to the burial service home. Hell, I even figured out how to ride my tricycle in the zone where all the coffins were kept! A significant number of my companions would think that its flawless that I thoroughly understood the spot and would consistently approach me to take them around for a visit. There is a story that I generally tell individuals that occurred at my grandpa’s memorial service home one exceptional day. My soonest memory of my grandpa’s house; which was a burial service home, was the point at which I was 8 years of age. The top piece of the house was the memorial service home, however the base part that was underground was the place my family lived. Four kids were raised there and it was an ordinary life as we suspected. One day I was messing with my toys in the front room and a bring came over the line. My grandmother got the telephone like she regularly did and asked all the data that she required. Before long, my grandpa and one of the laborers headed outside and jumped into a funeral wagon to go get this individual who had simply passed on. I mean it was their activity right? This was an ordinary regular event at my grandpa’s house. I don’t comprehend what else occurred during grandpa’s ride that day. At the point when he returned home my life would be everlastingly changed. To begin with, they generally get the individual out and move them to the planning room. More often than not my grandpa would place them on the table in the prep room and go do different errands. He generally had more than one individual dead in his place. Truly, I have experienced childhood in it my entire life, so I think I am desensitized to death when I talk about it. He would consistently go out on another call or go prepare the individual for survey. His business was a bustling one since he additionally ran the rescue vehicle administration some time ago before paramedics became.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethical Consumption of Cell Phones Essay Example for Free
Moral Consumption of Cell Phones Essay 1. Presentation In only 30 years, portable communication has developed into a significant worldwide industry, with an expected 5 billion clients around the globe, contrasted and an all out total populace of around 7 billion individuals. While new supporter development has eased back to some degree as of late, item turnover stays high, with more than 1 billion new cell phones transported in 2009 alone. This paper initially looks at the existence pattern of a mobile phone, portraying its phases from the extraction of the materials to its removal or re-utilization prospects. It additionally talked about the moral issues that sway nature and society. Ultimately, two mobile phone produces (Apple and Nokia) are being looked at as far as how they manage ecological effects. 2. LIFE CYCLE OF A CELL PHONE Stage One: Extraction of Materials Mobile telephones by and large contain around 40% metals and 40% plastics, with the rest of up of glass, earthenware and different random materials. The pieces of a wireless incorporate the circuit board, the fluid precious stone showcase (LCD) and the battery-powered battery. The circuit board, which controls the entirety of the telephones capacities, comprises of copper, gold, silver, lead, nickel, tin, coltan, and zinc. The LCD, which is a level board show where all the data and pictures show up, is made of glass or plastic. Batteries power the mobile phone and, contingent upon the sort of battery, may contain nickel, cobalt, zinc, cadmium and copper. A significant number of these materials are supposed steady toxins†that stay in the earth for an extensive stretch of time, much after removal. Besides, a significant life cycle thought is the vitality required to separate metals from their individual minerals. From a vitality point of view, valuable metals gold and silver and surpass the effect of copper. What's more, the vitality substance of glass additionally has a huge vitality impression, because of the high liquefy temperatures that are required during assembling. Stage Two: Materials Processing Raw materials that go into making mobile phones should initially be handled before makers can utilize them. For instance, to make the plastic packaging, raw petroleum should be joined with flammable gas and synthetic compounds. The copper used to make the circuit board and batteries must be mined starting from the earliest stage, and treated with synthetic compounds and power before it very well may be framed into wires and sheets. Stage Three: Manufacturing The individual pieces of a phone each experience an assembling procedure. The circuit board is formed utilizing plastics and fiberglass and afterward covered with gold plating. The circuits and wires of the circuit board are fastened, stuck and covered. The LCD is made with fluid precious stones layered between glass or plastic. These layers incorporate two enraptured boards, with a fluid precious stone arrangement between them. Light is anticipated through the layer of fluid precious stones and is colorized, which delivers the noticeable picture. Batteries have two terminals (both produced using an alternate metal) and every anode is moved by a fluid material called electrolytes. At the point when an outlet or another outside electrical source is applied, a concoction response between the terminals and the electrolytes makes an electric flow stream and powers the battery. Stage Four: Packaging and Transportation The transportation procedure and bundling of mobile phones is viewed as hurtful to the earth. Shipping mobile phones for dissemination requires the utilization of petroleum derivatives for vitality, which can add to worldwide environmental change. While bundling shields items from harm, recognizes substance, and gives data, over the top or ornamental bundling adds to the waste that we produce. Bundling expends significant characteristic assets, for example, paper (from trees), plastic (from raw petroleum in the earth), aluminum (from mineral), or different materials, all of which use vitality to deliver and can bring about waste. Some bundling, in any case, can be produced using reused materials. Stage Five: Useful Life You can broaden the utilization of your mobile phone by accepting great consideration of it as in shielding it from harm by putting away it for a situation, abstaining from dropping it, and keeping it out of extraordinary warmth and cold and away from water and different fluids. In any case, the materials that are utilized to make PDAs can conceivably harm the earth and mischief individuals. In this way, it is critical to reuse, reuse or appropriately arrange mobile phones. Reuse: Many associations, including recyclers, good cause, and hardware producers, acknowledge working mobile phones and offer them to schools, network associations, and people out of luck. Reuse gives individuals, who couldn't in any case manage the cost of them, free or decreased cost access to new telephones and this additionally broadens the valuable lifetime of a telephone. Reuse: Nowadays, numerous stores, makers, and reusing focuses acknowledge mobile phones for reusing. Some PDAs can be fixed and sold as repaired telephones, or parts can be utilized to fix telephones. Some battery-powered batteries can likewise be reused, as along these lines the recuperated materials can be utilized to make new batteries and tempered steel items. Removal: However, about 40% of mobile phones cannot be sold as repaired PDAs. These PDAs are destroyed just as purified at a copper purifier. Numerous metals really return to their normal state. This procedure renews some common assets and it is called over the ground mining. In any case, numerous PDAs are essentially tossed in the garbage and end up in landfills (covered in the ground) or incinerators (consumed). Since PDAs contain metals, plastics, synthetic substances, and other conceivably unsafe substances, they ought to consistently be reused or appropriately arranged. Telephones that are discarded squander vitality and result in the loss of important assets. This figure shows the PDA reusing rate from 2007 to 2010 in the United Stated. Despite the fact that deals were the most elevated in 2010, the reusing rate didn't compare to the deals. 3. Moral ISSUES 1. Vitality Conservation The amount of cell phone use builds any natural effect of this item. Life-cycle examination directed by the European Commission shows that vitality utilization is the best effect, both during production of segments and during their use. Nokia evaluated that if 10% of overall endorsers would unplug their chargers once their telephone is completely energized, the vitality spared could to gracefully 60,000 European homes for one year. Issues like wastage of vitality due to cheating as well as mobiles left unplugged much in the wake of being completely energized should be tended to additional. 2. Misuse Illegal Trading The material utilized in the assembling of the cell phones is coltan, a warmth safe material found in the Republic of Congo. In the Coltan, mines there are youngsters that need to work as opposed to going to class and numerous trustworthy organizations purchase this mineral. Organizations need to fall back on material gave by dubious conditions. What is Coltan? Coltan, short for columbite-tantalite is a metallic mineral involving niobium and tantalum. The niobium-prevailing mineral in coltan is columbite, and the tantalum-predominant mineral is tantalite. Niobium, whose driving maker in Brazil, is for the most part found in the mineral pyrochlore though tantalum is extricated from the metal, tantalite and is made by refining and tin mining in certain spots. Tantalum mineral is for the most part mined in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, China, Ethiopia, Mozambique and other focal African nations. Coltan is significant for assembling PDAs since it is in the capacitors that control current stream in the PDAs circuit board. At the point when refined, coltan turns into a warmth safe powder, metallic tantalum which has one of a kind properties for putting away electrical charge. Mining Coltan In the Coltan is mined by turn in the Congo by gatherings of men diving bowls in streams by rejecting off the surface mud. They at that point slosh the water around the hole, which makes the Coltan metal settle at the base of the cavity where it is recovered by the diggers. A group can mine one kilo of Coltan for each day. The greater part of these excavators are youngsters which are exposed to outrageous conditions. In this manner, mindfulness must be brought to these horrible working conditions by which these kid laborers are influenced. Coltan financing war An ongoing report by the UN hosts guaranteed that all the gatherings associated with the nearby thoughtful war have been engaged with the mining and offer of Coltan. One report proposed that the neighboring Rwandan armed force made US$250 million from selling Coltan in under year and a half, in spite of there being no Coltan in Rwanda to mine. The military powers of Uganda and Burundi are additionally involved in pirating Coltan out of Congo for resale in Belgium. A report to the United Nations Security Council has required a ban on buy and import of assets from the Democratic Republic of Congo, because of the progressing common war that has hauled in the encompassing nations. 3. Toxics Waste removal Environmental Impact Determined Bio aggregate poisons Persistent Bio collective poisons (PBTs) PBTs are especially risky on the grounds that they don't debase over extensive stretches of time, and can without much of a stretch spread and move between air, water, and soil, bringing about the gathering of poisons a long way from the first point wellspring of contamination. Since PBTs gather in greasy issue of people and creatures, the poisons are continuously thought and are of incredible hazard. Mobile phone batteries Battery-powered batteries are quickly changing as innovative advances improve new force sources. Effectively 60% of battery-powered Batteries sold overall are utilized in mobile phones. Be that as it may, battery-powered right now have harmful constituents, for example, cadmium, just as brominated fire retardants. The absolute ecological effect from PDA batteries relies upon a batteries material piece just as on the time PDAs are utilized bef
Saturday, August 8, 2020
A Few Words
A Few Words I realize that some of you have been counting down to this day since what seems like forever. I know what that feels like. When regular action decisions came out last year, I was at a debate tournament, with no access to a computer. A friend of mine had promised to let me use her Blackberry to check my decision, but just as the pivotal moment arrived, I couldnt find her; shed disappeared to go eat lunch at a nearby McDonalds. I dont think Ive ever disliked fast food more. After fidgeting for a good ten minutes, I decided to call home and get my mom to check for me. It took me a great deal of nerve to do that, to know that if I were to be rejected, my mom would see it first. But still, I called. And told her how to log in. And listened to her read the letter. And proceeded to hyperventilate in disbelief and happiness. Ive wondered before what my life would be like if I hadnt gotten into MIT and hadnt chosen to come here. I believe it would have worked out fine: I would have still gone to college, made new friends, learned to work hard, had a blast. Your decisions will come out in less than six hours, and its possible that no amount of distraction will ease your anxiety. I hope you guys have all read Chriss entry. Really, dont panic! To those of you who get in: Welcome to MIT! Celebrate with your family and friends and join the Facebook group! Make sure you thank the ones who helped you make it this far :) I cant wait to meet some of you at CPW! To those of you who dont get in: Take a deep breath. Its okay. In my psychology class, we talked about an experiment where people attempted to predict their level of happiness before and after receiving a raise. Several stated that theyd be much happier after receiving such a pay increase; months later, however, both those who hadnt received a raise and those who had reported the same level of satisfaction with their lives. Im sorry for giving you guys a psych lesson :( I just want you to know that its going to be fine. Youre all talented and creative; you might not be using MIT as your stepping stone, but youre still going to change the world. And to those of you who get waitlisted: Waitings hard, yes. But the sentiment of this entry still applies. Dont give up hope! People really do get off the waitlist, and you could be one of them :) To everyone: As my Star Wars-loving friends frequently say: May the Force be with you.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Use of descriptive statistics in my job as HR professional Free Essay Example, 1000 words
Critical Reflection As a HR professional, I have been involved in various activities meant to handle and ensure that employees’ issues are looked into carefully. I have handled a lot of employee issues over a long period of time and most these issues have been handled using statistical data. For instance, data that was obtained from surveys were used in making statistical graphs. Statistical graphs were also used in categorizing different set of employees as to make the work of employee monitoring easy (Osborn, 2005). Training within organizations should be flexible and the best methods in collecting data on training expatriates are through sampling. Sampling is effective in conducting trainings because it allows selection of set of tools and materials to be used in testing. Every employee is assigned different tasks which are stored differently so that salaries can be paid to these employees (Rigg, 2008). HR department is involved in monitoring the work put of all employees in the organization and thus they make use of timesheets. Timesheets are effective measuring the number of hours worked and if employees finish assigned duties on time. We will write a custom essay sample on Use of descriptive statistics in my job as HR professional or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The training department that I headed was involved in preparing questionnaires for employees during re-fresher training. This was in order to understand if employees are familiar with company policies, strategies and tasks assigned to them. As a result, conclusive data has to be prepared to for training through use of sampling and data mining for training materials. This exercise requires the use of data collected through various means such as sampling, charts and graphs. As a professional, I rely heavily on statistical method due to the accuracy of these methods in reporting and analysing the effectiveness of undertaken activities. Charts are used in representing statistical data on issues to do with work output and to track the time taken by employees in implementing a certain project or task (Childs, 2005). I have undertaken several duties in different organizations over a ten year period and during this time I have made use of various statistical data in my research. During my stint as the head of recruitment, staff at our department made use of different data in recruiting employees, numerous interviews was conducted to ensure the right employees are selected for the job. Interviews are very useful statistical method of acquiring information from an individual or a group of people. Interviews bring out the character/personality of a specific person and thus this method was harnessed by the recruitment department.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Effects Of Effectual Daily Prayer On Mental Health
Running Head: EFFECTS OF EFFECTUAL DAILY PRAYER 1 EFFECTS OF EFFECTUAL DAILY PRAYER 2 The Effects of Effectual Daily Prayer on Mental Health in Adults Diane T. Bethmann, RN, MSN Student Jennifer M. Wood, MSN, RN Chamberlain College of Nursing Author?s Note Diane T. Bethmann, MSN Student, Chamberlain College of Nursing Jennifer M. Wood, Department of Nursing Faculty, Chamberlain College of Nursing Correspondence concerning this research proposal should be addressed to Diane Bethmann or Jennifer Wood, Department of Nursing, Chamberlain College of Nursing, 5775 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd NE #100, Atlanta, GA 30342. Contact: or Abstract The implementation of the Affordable Care Act has allowed numerous Americans to receive much-needed healthcare, but numerous gaps in mental health still remain. The baseline measure of adults who self report good or better mental health is 79.1%; the target objective is to increase the amount of adults who self report good or better mental health from 79.1% to 80.1% (Health-Related Quality of Life Well-Being, 2016). In order to further explore this notion, the authors want to examine the effects of implementing effectual daily prayer on mental health in adults as compared to adults who do not effectually pray afterShow MoreRelatedThe Pregnancy Anxiety And Tips For Coping With Childbirth Anxiety9776 Words  | 40 Pagesdrugs. In fact, my reaction to Kava is almost identical to my reaction to Valium - I am not conscious of any direct effect but I m able to manage better in situations that would otherwise disturb me. The only big difference I found is that Kava does not help me much with sleeping while even the smallest dose of Valium usually sends me into 9 or more hours of deep sleep. Given its effect on me, I regard Kava as a serious drug and not like a cup of chamomile tea. So I believe in taking the usual precautionsRead MoreImpact of Job Analysis on Job Performance: a Study of Public Sector Organizations of Pakistan25727 Words  | 103 Pagesguidance it was impossible to complete this job. I am especially thankful to my wife, daughter and son for providing me with every opportunity and encouraging me to accomplish this job. I am also thankful to my mother and family members for their prayers, loving behaviour and emotional support. Thanks to all my colleagues in Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Centre, especially Dr. Shaheen Shehzad, Dr. Razi-ul-Hassnain, Mr. Aqil Khan, Mr. Saifullah Azeem, Syed Habib Akhtar Jafri, Mr
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hunger in San Diego Persuasive Speech Free Essays
1 | Page . Attention Step . When will you eat next? Will you be eating dinner tonight? . We will write a custom essay sample on Hunger in San Diego Persuasive Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now Need Step . Today, there are over 446,000 people that are going hungry in San Diego County. http://sandiegofoodbank. org/hunger-in-san-diego/ . A story of a fellow San Diegan and her family who are also having hunger problems. 1. Alejandra in her late 20s moved in with her sister Marisol, her husband, and her three kids to help take care of them. 2. Marisol worked days and Alejandra nights so there was always someone to take care of the kids. 3. Marisol’s husband lost his job as construction worker, Marisol was laid off from hers as a housekeeper at a Holiday Inn, and then Alejandra lost her restaurant job. 4. It became hard for them to find work, but eventually Marisol’s husband found few jobs as a handyman and Marisol worked cleaning a few houses. 5. Barely got by, and it was hard for them. 6. Cupboards were generally empty except for a little of rice and beans. 7. Main concern was children, so adults would often eat little or nothing at all so the kids would have enough. . Eventually got support from church and then San Diego Food Bank. †¢ Here is a picture of Alejandra picking up food at the San Diego Food Bank. That is a real story about a real hunger problem. http://sandiegofoodbank. org/newstypes/client-profiles/ 2. Feedingamericasd. org says that: †¢ 1 out of 4 children in San Diego don’t know where their next meal is coming from†¦ †¢ Scientific evidence suggests that hungry c hildren are less likely to become productive citizens. A child who is unequipped to learn because of hunger and poverty is more likely to be poor as an adult. . You see†¦. our bodies are like engines, engines need fuel, we need food, and both are required to move forward. 2. So next this quote is from sandiegohungercoalition. org, Ken Hecht, executive director of California food policy advocate says that: â€Å"Given the extent of food insecurity in San Diego County and across the country, we must not undermine critical efforts to protect families against hunger, and improve health through good nutrition,†You know†¦.. we must all realize that hunger can happen to any of us, all it takes is: †¢ Losing our job †¢ Having a health crisis †¢ Or any other unusual emergency expense. Such as a major car repair. ?And†¦ We must all be aware†¦That it’s important that San Diego County has food bank agencies to provide support to people who are l ow income or have sudden crises. . Satisfaction Step . We†¦.. Should look for opportunities†¦ to support the San Diego Food Bank. . There are many ways to support the Food Bank, we can†¦ †¢ Donate food items Support them financially †¢ Or we can volunteer. . aThe San Diego Food Bank has been around since 1977 and has been serving ever since because of†¦ People’s food†¦ financial†¦ and voluntary support. . So†¦Yes, this solution will take time out of your day and/or money if you would like to help. But, think of the good you would do by simply donating 10 dollars, taking 3 hours out of your Saturday or Sunday, or even collecting a few cans of food from your neighbors or workplace to just do something good for a local family in need. Visualization Step . So†¦just look around places you go in San Diego, maybe you see a homeless guy asking for money for food, or maybe it’s your next door neighbor who doesn’t have eno ugh to eat, or maybe even a friend who’s hungry but too reluctant to say. †¢ The sad fact is that nearly half a million people in San Diego County don’t have enough to eat. . Imagine that there was a place where all of those hungry people could go to get food. I know of a place, the San Diego Food Bank. . Action Step . Fact is†¦people are hungry†¦. ut the San Diego Food Bank is there to help. . So today, I would like to encourage you to pull out your phones when you leave this classroom today, simply text capital letters â€Å"SD†to 20222, and this will make a 10$ donation to the San Diego Food Bank, just a simple thing, yet that 10 dollars will provide 30 meals for people in need. . This week, I myself am going to make a ten dollar donation and drop off a bag of food to the Food Bank. . If San Diegans work together, we can eliminate hunger in San Diego County. How to cite Hunger in San Diego Persuasive Speech, Essays
Friday, May 1, 2020
Compare and Contrast Atlas and Valentine Essay Example For Students
Compare and Contrast Atlas and Valentine Essay Both Valentine and Atlas transcend the red rose orsatin heart, in their exploration of love. They discuss love from different angles, portraying a different opinion of the place that love takes in life. They both use extended metaphors to express their views of love, choosing unexpected objects as the subjects of their metaphors. Duffy uses an onion, which generally implies tears, stinging, and is thought of with negative connotations. This is in contrast to love, because this is regarded as a positive thing, which makes people happy, rather than blind with grief. However, upon consideration, this comparison appears to be appropriate. It offers a realistic view of love, acknowledging the faults and lies in the usual depiction of love. It states the importance of understanding the dangers that come with love, and the long lasting effect it can have upon a person, even after the relationship has broken, as it clings to fingers. It is evident that Duffy realises the multi-faceted nature of love. As although love promises light, it can also be Lethal. This idea of an unexplored side to love is also developed in Atlas. Fanthorpe chooses to portray love in a more positive light than Duffy. Even though she sees love as a good thing, she too sees past the cute card and kissogram. Instead of seeing love as a bringer of grief, she uses WD40 and Road Fund Tax to depict the less appetizing areas of love. Even in her use of mundane details, there is no sense of bitterness at any unnecessary obligation to do the things described. From Atlas, the boring tasks of daily life are shown to be of the ultimate importance. The classical comparison with Atlas shows the gravity of these details in life. Although the idea of meeting trains and other such prosaic tasks keepedifice upright seems almost hyperbolic, even this does seem to be true. Fanthorpe and Duffy use language very skilfully, yet in different ways to convey their opinions. The use of language in Valentine illustrates Duffys viewpoint on love. She uses many words with negative connotations, such as tears, fierce, and lethal. This emphasises her realistic views on love, and on how love can be used in a destructive way. There is an implied threat of violence throughout the poem, shown by the use of the word knife. The use of it in the final line leaves the reader with a menacing view of love. Possessive is one of the words chosen by Duffy to explain the reason for her choice of an onion as a Valentine. This has a double edged meaning, as the word has many negative connotations now. It implies an inescapable hold upon someone, whether wanted or not, and it often carries hints of peril with it. Through the language chosen by Fanthorpe, her feelings on the necessity of the existence of love are made clear. Her description of her edifice as suspect in the penultimate line emphasises the vulnerability of those without an Atlas. Also, in the final section of the poem Fanthorpe creates a personal touch by moving into the first person. By doing this, she draws her readers into the poem, by emphasising my faulty wiringmy dryrotten jokes. Her allusions to building terms stress the need to work and maintain any relationship. Most people realise the importance of insulatfaulty wiring, and know the way/ The way the money goes, even if they do not understand the importance of this in a relationship. Therefore, by the use of this metaphor, Fanthorpe is able to add more impact to her point. Although Fanthorpe uses an extended metaphor throughout Atlas, the verbs she uses give a greater depth to her exploration of love as it knows, remembers, answers and doesnt forget. This use of verbs causes the reader to rise above the boring tasks described, and see the importance of such deeds in a relationship. .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da , .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da .postImageUrl , .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da , .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da:hover , .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da:visited , .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da:active { border:0!important; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da:active , .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubac27c8d3d5c4db3637a214a867362da:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Analysis Of Robert Frost's Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening EssayIn Fanthorpes view of love, it is essential to uphold/ The permanent elaborate/ Structures of living. It is given immense importance by the classical comparison of her suspect edifice being kept uprightAs Atlas did the sky. However, this differs from Duffy, who portrays love as a choice, if you like. Although it is a choice, once made, it is inescapable as it will cling to you and stay on your lips. It is clear that Duffy is aware of the transience of love, as she states for as long as we are. Therefore, although a relationship can end, the love once felt has an interminable hold. Both poets have a disillusioned view of love, and are trying to be truthful. However, the truths they are trying to reveal are of very different kinds. Valentine exposes that fact that there is much more to love can be first ascertained. There is a hidden, destructive force that comes with the cute card or a kissogram, which turns you into a wobbling photo of grief. This is done by the first verse making love seem to be really good, and then suddenly adding a negative tone in the second stanza. This change in tone is evident from the start with the use of the imperative Here. This makes the onion sound less like a gift, and more of a forced, or unwanted offering, being thrust upon someone. The poem continues to become more and more sinister, ending on an eerie note, with the use of Lethal to create tension, and a dramatic last line of cling to your knife.
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